Why did I attempt to become an ESA Astronaut?

I chose to apply to ESA Astronaut training program, with 3 main motives:

1/ Contribute to scientific innovation. I believe in science’s contribution to solve humanity’s most complex challenges. As an astronaut and a passionate learner, I am looking forward to working with several scientific research teams across multiple fields

2/ Take part in a peace promoting international endeavor. A French-born citizen, I spent most of my professional life living abroad or working in international environments. Having studied international relations and warfare, I am conscious of the importance of near space exploration to strengthen international collaborations. As an astronaut, I’ll devote time and passion to promote peace among nations

3/ Inspire the next generation. I realize how much it is important to not only fulfil one’s lifelong dream of becoming an astronaut but to inspire and pass the dream along to the next generation. Training as an astronaut involves working with many passionate people whose hard work make it all possible. This humbles and compels to committing to an exemplary behavior

Having not been retained through the selection process, I’ll find new ways to live up to these high aspirations.